How to Deal with Presenteeism at Work

Presenteeism, or the practice of coming to work despite being unwell or unproductive, is a growing concern for employers in the UK. It can lead to reduced productivity, increased stress levels, and the spread of illness among colleagues. As a leading occupational health provider, London City Healthcare is committed to helping employers address presenteeism and promote a healthy, supportive work environment.

Understanding the Causes of Presenteeism

To effectively tackle presenteeism, it’s essential to understand the underlying reasons why employees may feel pressured to come to work when they are unwell or unproductive. Some common causes include:

1. Job Insecurity

Employees may fear that taking time off work will put their job at risk, particularly in a competitive job market or during times of economic uncertainty.

2. Workplace Culture

A workplace culture that values long hours, “toughing it out,” or discourages taking time off can contribute to presenteeism.

3. Workload Pressures

Employees may feel that they have too much work to take time off, or that their absence will place an undue burden on their colleagues.

4. Financial Concerns

Some employees may not have access to adequate sick pay or may feel that they cannot afford to take time off work.

Strategies for Addressing Presenteeism

Employers can take proactive steps to address presenteeism and create a workplace culture that prioritises employee health and well-being:

1. Develop a Clear Absence Policy

Ensure that your absence policy is clear, fair, and consistently applied. Communicate the policy to all employees and make sure that managers and supervisors are trained to implement it effectively.

2. Promote a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Encourage employees to take regular breaks, use their annual leave entitlement, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Lead by example and ensure that managers are modelling these behaviours.

3. Provide Adequate Sick Pay

Review your sick pay policy to ensure that it is fair and provides adequate support for employees who need to take time off work due to illness.

4. Offer Flexible Working Arrangements

Consider offering flexible working arrangements, such as remote working or adjustable hours, to help employees manage their health and well-being while still meeting work commitments.

5. Invest in Employee Well-being

Implement well-being initiatives, such as stress management workshops, health screenings, and employee assistance programs, to support employees in maintaining their physical and mental health.

The Role of Occupational Health

Occupational health professionals, such as those at London City Healthcare, can play a key role in helping employers address presenteeism. They can provide:

  • Guidance on developing absence policies and promoting a healthy work culture
  • Advice and support for individual employees who are struggling with health issues or work-related stress
  • Health assessments and screenings to identify potential health concerns early
  • Training for managers and supervisors on how to support employee well-being and manage absence effectively

By working in partnership with an experienced occupational health provider, employers can take a proactive, holistic approach to tackling presenteeism and creating a workplace environment that supports employee health, well-being, and productivity.

Dr Amun Kalia

Dr Amun Kalia

Dr. Kalia helps to run the Occupational Medicine provision for London City healthcare and is a company doctor for one of the largest multinational companies based in the UK.

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